- Natural, 5 card Majors, opening may be light in third seat
(with reversed Drury).
- Strong 1NT (15-17 hcp) w/ Stayman and transfers (optionally including
to minors: 2S for clubs, 2N for diamonds)
- Checkback Stayman (aka Roudi)
- Weak two's (2D/H/S) with Ogust.
- 2C is strong (23+ HCP...) with natural responses
- Splinters, control-showing CBs
- Gerber (after NT)
- Roman KeyCard Blackwood (with 30 - 14 - 2 with Q - 2 w/o Q responses)
- 4th suit forcing
- raises are preemptive rather than inviting (see The Law)
- Bergen raises
- Super-accepts on NT transfers
- Support X/XX.
- 2-way drury (2C with 3 cards, 2D with 4 cards)
- DONT over opps' NT opening
- negative doubles up to 3S,
- Unusual 1NT/2NT (showing the lowest two remaining suits)
- Michaels CB (showing the highest remaining suit plus another one)
- jump-shifts promise fit (see The Law) and the respective suit.
- If opps double or overcall 2C after our 1NT opening, X is Stayman and
anything else on level 2 is transfer. Jump to level 3 is inviting.